How Exactly Does the Bair Hugger System Work?

When saying goodbye to my Aunt in pre-op, I have to admit that with all of the machines, blinking, beeping, pumping in the background - the Bair Hugger blended in. Once I heard her talking about how comfortable she felt (even though she described it as "a ghost blanket"), I started to research it.

This video sums it up (see partial transcript and comments below)

"The Bair Hugger warming unit supplies a continuous flow of warm air to the Bair Hugger blanket, which then safely and evenly distributes the air over the patient. The Bair hugger warming unit is currently available in three models - Model 505, Model 750 and Model 775. All three units are designed for use in the OR and throughout the hospital."

All Bair Hugger blankets are compatible with all three models. This interchangeability means that units can be quickly sterilized and moved to another room to be hooked up to a disposable warming blanket.

"Bair Hugger warming units have an ambient setting that blows room temperature air, and three temperature settings designed for safe and effective heat transfer. Low, at 32 degrees Celsius, Medium at 38 degrees Celsius and High at 43 degrees Celsius.

Each warming unit includes a 0.2 micron filter, which is the same filtration level used for OR ventilation. All Bair Hugger warming units feature an integrated hour meter which can help determine if a filter change is needed."

"Hoses for both units have a special slot to accomodate the model 241 fluid warming set."

"Bair Hugger warming units can easily be clamped to an IV pole"

The actual operating instructions seem to be straight forward and there even seems to be a fail safe for temperature excess, alarming nurses and doctors of an issue in real time.

As best I can put together, it works like this:

1. A Bair Hugger warming unit is plugged in and its hose is inserted into any number of available "ports" on the Bair Hugger blanket that is chosen for the specific surgery or procedure. One the hose is connected, the port is sealed around the hose.

2. The Bair Hugger blankets are perforated, allowing warm, filtered air to flow continuously through the holes and onto the patient's body, providing a comfortable way to control body temperature which tends to lower during anesthesia.

3. The warming unit supplies warm air to the blanket via the hose once turned on.

Oh - and I've seen the articles about the potential for infection. I want to know as much as possible about any product I'm researching - good and bad -  but given the air filtration level, the fact that I'm not a conspiracy theorist, the appearance that the information around this seems to all be propagated and informed by the original inventor of the Bair Hugger (who, has since created a competing product?), and the fact that there I have found nothing in the medical community reports to substantiate the claims, I am going to stick with it being a solid product, that seems straight forward to use, that made my Aunt's surgery a more positive experience.